480-505-3928 | mjoy@hbc.law
Environmental law
Natural resources law
Water quality and litigation
Environmental, natural resources law and water quality and litigation
Matt practices in the areas of environment, natural resources, water quality, and litigation, focusing on water, waste, and cleanup issues. He regularly represents clients in manufacturing, heavy industry, mining, and petroleum and natural gas industries. Matt has also assisted governmental entities in establishing permitting programs under the Clean Water Act. For almost twenty years, he has advised clients in developing permitting strategies, ranging from routine to novel and complex, and obtaining agency approval for hundreds of Clean Water Act permits, including discharge and “dredge and fill” permits.
Matt has extensive experience in defending against and, where appropriate, negotiating settlements in multi-million dollar enforcement and toxic tort cases. In addition, Matt has successfully represented numerous clients throughout the country before state and federal courts and administrative bodies in permit appeals, Superfund cost recovery actions, and environmental civil actions.
Matt has been a national lecturer for the Government Institute on Stormwater Discharge Regulation and a visiting instructor for Arizona State University’s College of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
J.D., Arizona State University College of Law
B.A., Cornell University, Geology