480-505-3944 | ddancho@hbc.law
Environmental law
Natural Resources Law
Energy law and litigation — environmental law
Danielle generally assists clients with all aspects of permitting and compliance under the Clean Air Act. Danielle assists clients in preparing applications to obtain air quality permits and permit revisions (including Title V operating permits, Nonattainment New Source Review [NSR], and Prevention of Significant Deterioration [PSD] permits) and preparing and reviewing any other documents required by the permit (compliance reports, plans, etc.).
Danielle also helps clients to understand and effectively manage their compliance obligations, including compliance certification requirements, and, if problems arise, how to take appropriate corrective action, prepare the proper notifications to the agency, and negotiate settlement agreements. She frequently advises clients on regulatory requirements, including New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant Standards (NESHAP), and asbestos issues.
Before working in the private sector, Danielle worked for the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ), where she provided legal advice to executive management, interpreted and drafted statutes, rules, case law, and policy documents, and drafted CAA State Implementation Plans (SIPs), agency guidance documents, and comment letters. Notable, she worked with agricultural stakeholders to develop agricultural and animal operations best management practices rules to help reduce particulate matter emissions in nonattainment areas throughout the State.
She has also worked at the Arizona Department of Real Estate (ADRE), where she oversaw both the Auditing and Investigations Division and the Enforcement and Compliance Division, prepared consent orders, and negotiated settlement agreements.
J.D., Arizona State University College of Law, Certificate in Law, Science, and Technology with a Specialization in Environmental Law
B.S., University of Arizona, Wildlife Watershed, and Revewable Natural Resources, Wildlife Science Option